Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AMH Test Showing Antral Follicles in the Ovaries

What is AMH ?
AMH stands for Anti-Mullerian Hormone. Since AMH is produced directly by the ovarian follicles, AMH levels correlate with the number of antral follicles in the ovaries . It has been documented that women with lower AMH have lower antral follicular counts and produce a lower number of oocytes compared with women with higher levels.

AMH Reference ranges

Ovarian Fertility Potential pmol/L
Optimal Fertility 28.6 pmol/L - 48.5 pmol/L
Satisfactory Fertility 15.7 pmol/L - 28.6 pmol/L
Low Fertility 2.2 pmol/L - 15.7 pmol/L

AMH levels do not vary with the menstrual cycle and can be measured independently of the day of the menstrual cycle.
AMH can be used for
1. Evaluating Fertility Potential and ovarian response in IVF – Serum AMH levels correlate with the number of early antral follicles. This makes is useful for prediciting your ovarian response in an IVF cycle. Women with low AMH levels are more likely to be poor ovarian responders.
2. Measuring Ovarian Aging – Diminished ovarian reserve, is signaled by reduced baseline serum AMH concentrations. Women with poor ovarian reserve who have entered the oopause have low levels of AMH.
The other tests to check ovarian reserve include checking your inhibin levels.
However, these are new and expensive tests, and is still not easily available. This is why the gold standard for ovarian reserve testing is still the Day 3 FSH level.

The theory is that because the level of anti-mullerian hormone found in the blood does not fluctuate throughout the month, it could be an accurate predictor of whether a woman is still fertile and how many eggs she has left in her ovaries. The manufactures claim that it is more accurate than a simple oestrogen test. If they’re right, then the test would be a predictor of who’s more likely to have success with in-vitro fertilization.
In addition to the test’s possible applications as a predictor of fertility, it may also be useful as a test for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is believed that women with PCOS have elevated levels of AMH in their blood, which would make the AMH test ideal for diagnosis.
How the Test is DoneCurrently, the test is not covered by most insurance and it expensive to have done. To perform the test 3mls of blood is taken on the second or third day of the woman’s period. Using the results of the test and an "Ovarian Reserve Index", the estimated number of eggs remaining in the ovaries is plotted on a graph showing the woman’s position compared with the average number for her age group. Makers of the test claim that this will predict ovarian reserves for the next two years.
ControversyThere is some controversy over what exactly this test can truly tell you, if anything. Using the test as a predictor of menopause is probably useless, but using it as an indicator of ovarian reserves may be more feasible. Whatever the use, fertility experts currently believe that the AMH test is about 70 percent accurate.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

More on DHEA

CHR's Prematurely Aging Ovaries Program

Here at CHR, we have a special interest in the “older women pregnancy and the aging ovary,” and have been conducting considerable research on this topic. Indeed, older women (those above age 38), and younger women with so-called prematurely aging ovaries (POA), will often find it harder to get pregnant. As reported in the CHR Voice, (our newsletter that provides ongoing updates on the progress of our research and our patients' results), we have been leading the way in exploring and implementing ways to treat prematurely aging ovaries

DHEA Beneficial Effects

The investigators at CHR have been using the mild male hormone dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA now for a number of years very successfully in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), whether their ovarian impairment is due to advanced age or premature ovarian aging (POA). In doing so, we have been able to demonstrate that in such women DHEA supplementation has quite remarkable beneficial effects (see Table 1), which all can be summarized as rejuvenating ovarian function.


Increases egg (oocyte) and embryo counts
Improves egg and embryo quality
Increases number of embryos available for embryo transfer
Increases euploid (chromosomally normal) embryos available
Speeds up time to pregnancy in fertility treatment
Increases spontaneously conceived pregnancies
Improves IVF pregnancy rates
Improves cumulative pregnancy rates in patients under treatment
Decreases spontaneous miscarriage rates
likely reduces aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities ) in embryos


Improved overall feeling
Physically stronger
Improved sex drive
Mentally sharper
Better memory

During all that time of DHEA use at CHR, we have carefully monitored side effects of the medication and have been impressed by how rarely even the most common side effects, such as oily skin, acne and hair loss, seem to occur.We, however, have been even more surprised that quite often what we really heard were anything but side effects; indeed, many more patients than complained about side effects, commented to us how much better overall DHEA supplementation makes them feel. Table 2 summarizes some of the specifics.Now comes a study, reported in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Davis et al. 2008; 93:801-8), in which investigators from Australia report that DHEA appears to improve cognitive functions in women. Specifically, they noted that higher endogenous DHEA levels are independently and favorably associated with executive function, concentration and working memory. It seems our patients knew all along what they were talking about!

Overview of CHR's Research

We have known for quite some time that many centers around the world have routinely started using DHEA. One of these centers has been Toronto West Fertility Associates, in Toronto, Canada. We have intermittently heard from them that anecdotally they had similar results to ours, but last December they were kind enough to send us their whole, meticulously kept data bank on DHEA usage at their center.Their pregnancy experience results were, indeed, very similar to ours. What we, however, were most interested in this time was not pregnancy, but miscarriage rates. As we have repeatedly noted in our UPDATEs, we have come to believe that DHEA supplementation may reduce the number of chromosomally abnormal embryos (aneuploidy). We reached this conclusion after making two observations: (1) In a small number of women who underwent PGD after they had been treated with DHEA, we found lower aneuploidy rates than in women without DHEA supplementation. Unfortunately, women in need of DHEA usually have small embryo numbers and, therefore, only very rarely qualify for PGD. This kind of data accumulation is, therefore, very slow and we so far have not reached statistically robust enough numbers. (2) Our second, related observation was that we noted a surprisingly low miscarriage rate in DHEA pregnancies.
Since miscarriages, especially in older women, are mostly due to chromosomal abnormalities, this observation, too, suggested the possibility that DHEA may reduce aneuploidy rates. To reach statistically robust conclusions, once again relatively large (pregnancy) numbers were required and we therefore, up to this point, have been cautious to not over interpret our own data.This is why the timing of the arrival of the Toronto data was so exciting; these data not only confirmed the high pregnancy rate in very unfavorable patients with diminished ovarian reserve, but demonstrated an identical reduction in miscarriage rate to the one observed by us (when compared to national IVF data). Since the combined data sets between CHR and the Toronto center involve an adequate size patient sample, we are now confident to state that DHEA supplementation significantly decreases the miscarriage rate in women with diminished ovarian reserve.Indeed, we even can go beyond this statement: While a reduction in miscarriage rates is seen in women of all ages, the reduction is smaller in women below age 35 than in women above age 35 years, where the reduction often exceeds 50 percent. This, of course, should not surprise since miscarriages are known to increase with advancing female age. Most of these miscarriages are, however, due to aneuploidy and this observation brings us back to where we started from: Our new data, on the decrease in miscarriage rates after DHEA supplementation especially in older women above age 35, strongly support that DHEA, indeed, reduces chromosomal abnormalities (aneuploidy rates) in embryos.The importance of this observation cannot be overemphasized. Since older women represent in the USA the most rapidly growing age group of women having babies, our findings may have significance far beyond those older women who require fertility treatment. Indeed, if confirmed by further studies, DHEA may become a supplement to be given, like prenatal vitamins, to all (older) women contemplating pregnancy.

Treatment history summary - 2007

Probably the most exciting news in our continuous efforts to investigate the beneficial effects of DHEA supplementation on the ovary, is that the prospectively, double blinded, randomized study, which we started at the beginning of the year in collaboration with a number of European centers, is progressing well. Our European colleagues are, indeed, succeeding in enrolling patients into this placebo-controlled trial and we expect, at least preliminary results, by year end.Since this study was formally registered as a clinical trial, we received innumerable requests from U.S.-based women to participate. Unfortunately, this study is, for cost reasons, only conducted in Europe. Patients, who wish to be considered for DHEA treatment in the U.S., have to become our patients. The potential advantage here, of course, is that you do not run a 50% risk of being treated with placebo.Those of you, who have recently looked at CHRs 2006 IVF cycle outcomes, will already be fully aware of the dramatic improvement we experienced in pregnancy rates in women above age 40. With an overall clinical pregnancy rate of 23.5% in women at ages 40-45, we in statistically significant terms exceeded our pregnancy rates in these age groups for the years 2003-2005. The only change that had taken place in 2006 was the addition of DHEA supplementation in a systematic way to all women who had failed at least one prior IVF attempt. All in all, only 43% of women above age 40, therefore, received DHEA supplementation; yet, pregnancy rates still improved dramatically.Based on these findings, we have now instituted DHEA supplementation for all women above age 40. As a consequence, we fully expect a further improvement in our 2007 pregnancy rates in women of these age groups. Our second declared goal for the year 2007 is to expand our treatment successes in older women beyond age 45. We, therefore, encourage older women, above that age, who are still interested in pursuing conception with their own oocytes, to contact us. We have gotten very close to breaking the 46-year barrier, but are so-far still approximately one month shy.Our third goal for the year is to attempt DHEA supplementation in women with outright premature ovarian failure (POF). Amongst women with POF, some still demonstrate significant follicular activity, though their follicles fail to mature. Such patients now can be identified via their anti-Mullerian hormone levels and we suspect that, in these selected cases, DHEA may be helpful. Whether this, indeed, will be the case is, at the present time, still unknown; but we feel it is worthwhile investigating.

There are many more studies here,

DHEA 7-Keto

Perhaps the most fundamental difference between DHEA and 7 Keto DHEA is that 7 Keto DHEA is already converted DHEA, thus it will NOT dangerously spike estrogen and testosterone as does old fashioned DHEA. In fact, studies have shown that "Old Fashioned" DHEA can raise blood levels of testosterone by much as 10 times above normal.Since 7-Keto does not convert into testosterone or estrogens, it is a one-hundred percent safe alternative to its parent compound. (Elevated testosterone can put beards on women's faces or cultivate prostate cancer in men. Moreover, high levels of testosterone may convert into estrogen in men. Women taking regular DHEA should be especially aware of the possibility of clitoral enlargement, and voice lowering).7 Keto is non-toxic. Liver and blood hormone levels have shown it to be "Completely innocuous," says Henry Lardy, Chairman Emeritus of the Enzyme Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "No-one has found any adverse side effects." 7 Keto DHEA has been proven to promote greater weight loss than DHEA. One clinical trial published in the Journal of Exercise Physiology Online looked at 30 obese people who took a placebo or 7-KETO, a commercial version of 7 Keto that's sold as a food supplement. Both groups took three one-hour sessions of aerobic and anaerobic exercise per week. At the end of the eight-week study, the 7-KETO group had lost 1.8 percent of body fat, compared to 0.57 percent among the placebo exercisers. Their overall weight loss was 2.88 kilos, about three times the loss among those who took the placebo. There are signs that 7 Keto DHEA helps the body loose weight by mimicking thyroid hormones which cause the body to make more heat, thus burning more calories without really doing anything. Quite simply this means that by increasing thyroid enzymes it is a thermogenic. 7 Keto lends greater support to the immune system by increasing IL-2 production in human lymphocytes. IL-2 is the key cytokine regulator of T-helper cells which helps activate the immune system against invading pathogens. 7 Keto helps to reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone associated with stress as well as chronic mood disorders and aging. 7-Keto DHEA is more potent than DHEA. Anyone suffering any serious disease or hormonal condition should only use DHEA under competent medical supervision. On the other hand, 7 Keto may be effective at doses as low as 5-10 mg/per day with 25-50 mgs per day being adequate for use in disease treatment under medical supervision. Sources: Alternative Medicine Advisor, August 1999.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Self Esteem Issues

I know that once in a while every woman feels big, old, ugly, like your ass is sagging so much it touches the ground. And your breasts are sitting on your tummy.

I'm noticing every wrinkle. My skin just looks like an old ladies. I'm 40. When did that happen? Why don't I feel like I'm 40. Every thing has changed so quickly. Just 5 years ago I did not look old. But now I'm starting to notice all the little things. The more I notice the worse my self esteem gets. So, how do I grow old gracefully? How do I embrace my 40's. And how in the hell do I enjoy them when I feel so bad about myself? Why can't I look like the 40 year olds on TV? You know the sexy bitches that look 20, why can't that be me?

I guess if I would work out like the "sexy bitches" on TV, I could look a lot better. I know they work their asses off (pun intended). Every time I say I'm going to diet, I eat like I'm starving to death. If I'm not dieting then I don't eat enough calories. My mind is always f'ing with me. I'm my own worst enemy. My BMI is only 22 but I feel so heavy. I weighted 99 pounds until I was 20. I understand as I get older I will not be able to stay that size but I don't like this size. I know in reality I'm not over weight but in my mind I am.

It's not just my looks that are suffering in my minds eye. It's everything. I don't seem to feel comfortable with anything. There was a time I had faith in myself, now I don't. I was full of everything I just knew I could do and now I'm full of doubt. Does this come with age? I thought I would only improve with age and experience. I've become a self doubting, self critical and a self hater.

How in the hell do I get out of this? How do I feel like the sexy bitch again?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Herbs to help Fertiltiy

Here is information I have copied from a lot of research, other people and friends. What may work for one, may not work for another. Please do your own research to be sure you are taking the herbs your body needs.

Vitamin A - is an antioxidant that helps prevent free-radical damage to cell mitochondria.

Angelica (Dang Gui) - can help to regulate the menstrual flow (scanty flow) and aids in the lining of the uterus. Can also help to lower FSH.

Alpha-linolenic acid - is important for ovulation. Aids in the egg release (from the follicle) and allowing the development of the corpus luteum that is responsible for progrestrone production.

Alfalfa - Aids in pituitary problems. This works well with fertility drugs.
B6 - see Lecithin.

Baby aspirin - used after ovulation to help in preventing miscarriage. Most often recommended after IUI/IVF.

Bee pollen - Taken with Royal Jelly can possibly improve or eliminate menstrual problems. Is rich in vitamins, minerals, nucleic acids, and steroid hormones. Strengthens the pituitary gland.

Beechwood - Used often while taking Clomid or Serophene. Beechwood aids in building cervical mucus and is an alternative to Robitussin (plain ONLY). It can be found in most health food stores.

Black Cohosh - A natural supplier of estrogen. Black Cohosh should ONLY be taken from menstruation to ovulation. When used other than specifically for fertility can lead to early miscarriage.

Blessed Thistle - is used when Black Cohosh isn’t tolerated.

Blue-green algae - Contains chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Strengthens pituitary gland. There are two types—Chlorella (from freshwater) and Spirulina (from saltwater)

Vitamin C - is an antioxidant that helps prevent free-radical damage to cell mitochondria.

Camp Bark - is considered a reproductive tonic. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

Catnip - Elevates the mood. Can help prevent miscarriages and morning sickness.

Cayenne - Increases the effectiveness of other herbs. Taken from menstruation to ovulation.

Chaste Tree (aka Vitex) - Inhibits FSH & can make hormones more subdued. Regulates estrogen and progesterone. Great to take a few months before doing an FSH level test or CCT to help lower the results of FSH levels. **Note** Works against Maca, Damiana, and infertility drugs including clomid!

Coenzyme Q-10 (COQ-10) - Helps support and improve mitochondrial (powerhouse of cells) function. During aging, the mitochondrial DNA is damaged by free radicals in our system contributing to poor egg quality occurring with aging.

Damiana - Enhances FSH & LH. A natural aphrodisiac.

DHEA - is a hormone building block that decreases with aging. It can be used in place of growth hormone to help the ovaries respond. A study reported that taking 80 milligrams per day for 2 months improved response to gonadotropic drugs.**Note** don’t take for long periods of time. Women with elevated male hormones should not take DHEA.

Dong Quai - Is a hormone regulator and uterine tonic. It is known as the female hormone regulator. Dong quai should be taken in the first half of the cycle from menstruation to ovulation. **Note** Do not take during pregnancy

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) - is a uterine toner and helps to increase the fertile quality cervical fluid. Regulates menstrual flow (scanty, dark flow) and aids in the lining of the uterus. It neutralizes over-acidity in the body. EPO should be taken the first half of the cycle - from mensturation to ovulation.

Vitamin E - is an antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage to mitochondria (in cells). This is very important if you wish to conceive.

Eskimo 3 - Contaminant free fish oil to assist with EWCM production.

False Unicorn Root (Helonias) - Lowers estrogen. Tones & strengthens the muscles of the uterus. Prevents miscarriage (especially when used with Lobelia). Used for some types of complications of pregnancy. Can possibly help to lower FSH.

Folic acid - important for cell division. It also can help prevent spinal bifida. Active ingredient in most prenatal vitamins.

Gingko - Improves blood flow to the brain & pituitary gland.

Ginseng - Contains steroids similar to estrogen and progesterone. Aids in reducing stress. Can possibly help lower FSH. Regulates male hormones especially when taken with Sarsaparilla. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

Hawthorn - Can help prevent miscarriages.

Hops - Has estrogenic effects. Can have a calming effect. **Note**Also can slow down sex drive.

Kelp - Great for the pituitary glands. Helps lower prolactin levels.

Lady´s Mantle - considered a reproductuve tonic. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

L'arginine - Improves bloodflow to the pelvic organs. In a study, this amino acid was found to increase ovarian response, endometrail receptivity, and pregnancy rates in IVF patients who took 16 grams of L-arginine by increasing blood flow to the ovaries. It not recommended to take that much though.

Lecithin - B6. For pituitary gland. It is known for helping to normalize hormone levels which in turn helps to lengthen the luteal phase and to minimize PMS and morning sickness.

Licorice Root - Contains Estroil, an estrogen. Depresses the pituitary gland. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Take from menstruation to ovulation **Note** shouldn’t be taken for long periods of time or in large doses. Works against fertility drugs.

Lobelia - Helps to prevent miscarriage. Works great with False Unicorn Root.

Loveage - is considered a general reproductive tonic. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

Maca - Can enhance FSH, LH, and reduce stress.

Magnesium - Low magnesium levels are associated with low progesterone. Can lower the risk of premature birth, may reduce preclampsia, cerebral palsy and mental retardation.

Motherwort - considered a reproductive tonic. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

Nettle - is considered a reproductive tonic. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid) - a B vitamin which stimulates the pituitary gland and sometimes restores fertility to a woman. PABA affects the formation of red blood cells, and stimulates the production of folic acid in the intestines. Supplements of 300 to 400 milligrams daily has been found to prevent and correct aspects of some autoimmune conditions including infertility.

Pantothenic acid - Is a B5 vitamin. Synthesizes hormones and cholesterol. Improves the body's resistance to stress. Deficiencies can cause infertility, though being deficient is rare.

Pycnogenol (or oligomeric proanthocyanidins) - is a super-antioxidant that helps prevent free-radical damage to cell mitochondria.

Red Clover - Used to aid fertility. Take from menstruation to ovulation.

Red Raspberry leaves - Strengthens the uterus and entire reproductive system. Can help prevent miscarriage.

Royal jelly - with Bee Pollen can improve or eliminate menstrual problems. Contains high amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes. Considered to be the queen bee's equivalent of fertility drugs.

Sarsaparilla - Contains both male and female hormones. For men, it increases sperm count especially when taken with Ginseng. For women, it balances female hormones, strengthens the pituitary gland and enhances both FSH & LH. Contains progesterone.

Saw Palmetto - may be beneficial for infertility, menstrual disorders, ovarian dysfunction, lactation, thyroid deficiencies, and painful menstrual periods. This herb is mainly used for male problems and have only found it to “may be” work for female problems.

Selenium - an antioxidant that helps prevent free-radical damage to cell mitochondria. A deficiency of selenium can lead to infertility in women.

Valerian root - basically does the same thing as wheatgrass. Very relaxing to the whole body.

Vitex - See Chaste Tree

Wheatgrass (or Barley Grass) - helps the cervical mucus and uterus have the right ph balance needed for conception and implantation. Can help restore hormonal functioning.

White Peony (Bai Shao) - Can help to regulate menstrual flow (scanty flow) and aid in the lining of the uterus.

Wild Yam - Used to Increase progesterone. Can help prevent miscarriage.

Wobenzyme - Used by women that have miscarriages caused by immune issues. Contains Rutin.

Zinc - is an antioxidant that helps prevent free-radical damage to cell mitochondria

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

40 Points about Wheatgrass and its Nutritional Values

What's so great about wheatgrass?
40 Points about Wheatgrass and its Nutritional Values
1 Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available.
2 Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element.
3 Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects.
4 Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.
5 Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment.
6 Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.
7 Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very little body energy.
8 Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria.
9 Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal within 4 to 5 days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals which were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.
10 Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)
11 Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.
12 Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor, which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.
13 Dr. Ann Wigmore and institutes based on her teachings has been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.
14 Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them and makes them over.
15 Wheatgrass Juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr Earp-Thomas, associate of Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of Wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and so forth.
16 Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.
17 Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.
18 Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.
19 Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.
20 In the American Journal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize Strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.21 Wheatgrass Juice cures acne and even help to remove scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.
22 Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.
23 A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet helps prevents tooth decay.
24 Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons from the gums.
25 Gargle Wheatgrass Juice for a sore throat.
26 Drink Wheatgrass Juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
27 Wheatgrass Juice keeps the hair from graying.
28 Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass, spitting out the pulp.
29 By taking Wheatgrass Juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality, and experience a sense of well-being.
30 Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.
31 Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
32 Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
33 Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes.
34 Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.
35 Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs."
36 According to Dr. Birscher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins.
37 Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
38 Wheatgrass Juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries.
39 Wheatgrass Juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
40 Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds

This information was taken from Wheatgrass

Some simple things I've learned

Staying healthy is always important for our well-being and our fertility. It is even more important when we are trying to conceive. I was surprised to learn that one of the major causes of infertility is poor health. The reports show this is from our diet's to our lifestyle.

One of the easiest ways to enhance our chances of getting pregnant is eating a well-balanced diet. It's kinda like a natural fertility treatment. Eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies, and low fat dairy and protein, will provide us the nutrients needed to keep our bodies and our reproductive system working well. If you eat a lot of take-out and processed food, STOP. They don't offer much nutritional value and are loaded with fat.

I will be exercising at least three times a week. Cardio exercise will help get your blood circulating, which will get the blood flowing to your reproductive system, which will help regulate ovulation and hormone levels. I've also read that strength training to turn fat into muscle will make it easier for my body to carry a baby.

I also read that most workplaces have some sort of toxins, some have more than others. Exposure to harsh chemicals, like radiation and pesticides, can have an impact on infertility. Chemical solvents, can increase a woman's chances of miscarriage.

New Doctor Appointment

Well, tomorrow I will have another doctor’s appointment. I have a long list of questions. What I don't want to hear is anything pertaining to my age. My cycles are like clockwork. I temp every morning, which confirmed ovulation each month. I am finding it hard to find a good doctor that is in my area and covered by my insurance that will do the surgery needed to remove the adhesions.

My goal is to have the herbs I'm taking for the adhesions to work so well I will not need the surgery but I want to cover all my bases. What I'm worried about hearing is he does not see any hope. That my fsh is too high, I'm too old, I have severe adhesions, and any other reason he can come up with. As far as the doctor's are concerned, the adhesions are blocking the egg from getting into my tube.

The last doctor said my tube is completely distorted due to the adhesions. Since I only have, one ovary it's important to get that all cleaned out. It's not only causing a problem with ttc, it is affecting my bowels. That really needs to be dealt with now. I will compose a list of the questions and answers from my appointment tomorrow and post them for everyone. Maybe you will find some useful information. Wish me luck.

Monday, March 9, 2009


My new wonder herb. Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts and as I've read adhesions. Since my doctor just left the adhesions in me when I had my lap I'm hopeful that the Serrapeptase will digest my adhesions and free my ovary and tube up so I can get pregnant.

About 10 years ago I was having a lot of pain in my right side. It would burn so bad it felt like someone was sticking me with a hot iron. After talking with my doctor we agreed that he would do a lap. This is where they make a very small incision and insert a light to take a peek and see what is going on to cause me such pain. This is all we agreed to. Well I awoke 6 hours later with an incision from hip bone to hip bone, and missing my right ovary. The doctor explained that I had severe endometriosis on my right ovary, he called in a general surgeon, and they decided to remove my right ovary. No discussion, no choice, no research, nothing. I guess I should be glad they did not decide on a full hysterectomy. I also learned they did not remove any endometriosis but just cut it, in order to free up my organs. Any one that knows anything about endo is in complete disbelief right now, I know, I could have just screamed. I still could. Well while recovering I did some research and learned a lot about endometriosis and found I did not have to lose my ovary. I made an appointment with a new doctor that specialized in endo. He agreed that I did not have to lose my ovary but what was done was done. He did another surgery and spent 4 1/2 hours cleaning me out.

Well now, 10 years later I've gone to another doctor in my area because my insurance does not cover the doctor I went to. This doctor went in and was out within 30 min. He left me a post it note (yes a post it note) telling me I had severe adhesions and that I needed to move on to IVF. He just left the adhesions, on my ovary, tube, bowels, bladder, and everywhere else in my abdomen. So now, I'm faced with having to find another doctor that will do what should be done and my insurance will pay for.While I'm waiting I am hoping that this herb will take care of what the doctors will not. I've read a lot of promising research on it. Cross your fingers for me.