I am 40 years old. I have severe endometriosis, severe adhesions, one ovary, and high fsh. I believe that through natural herbs and natural therapies I will be able to get and maintain a bfp. (Big Fat Positive)
I was offered fertility supplements from Fairhaven Health to try and give a review of. I will be taking the FertileCM, FertilAid for Woman and my husband will be taking the FertilAid for Men. I'm so excited. I just received them and I will be trying them right away. I'm most excited about the FertileCM. At my age I need all the help I can get! I will be taking them as the bottle suggests and I will post any improvements if/when I see them. Cross your fingers......
I'm a wanta be artist. I wish I had the time and courage to paint & draw. I am a great singer in the shower but never in front of anyone. At 40 I'm starting to get comfortable in my own skin. Accepting the good and the bad. I am trying to have my 3rd child. I have a 19 & 15 yr old. My friends thought I'd lost my mind when I said I wanted another one. I've been trying for almost 4 1/2 years now. The saying goes "it gets harder the older you get". Man, they weren't kidding. I'm trying to conceive naturally. I'm taking natural herbs and doing natural therapies to improve my fertility. At 40 it's important to maintain the quality and quantity of my eggs.